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My Top 5 Markets in Saigon

Hình ảnh
Saigon’s markets seem to exist in another dimension to the rest of the city. In downtown District 1 you’d be forgiven for thinking that the traditional Vietnamese wet market no longer exists; replaced by generic high-end shopping malls. But, with the exception of Bến Thành Market (which caters largely to foreign tourists these days), local markets outside the city centre continue to thrive. Still as bustling, vibrant and fascinating as ever, these markets play a major role in most ‘ordinary’ people’s daily lives. Saigon’s markets are highly organized, the produce is local and fresh, and the sheer volume and variety of things for sale is remarkable. Once you’re in the embrace of one of Saigon’s markets you leave the modern façade of District 1 far behind, and enter a more colourful, friendly, and personal world. Below are my top 5 markets in Saigon. Thriving, bustling, vibrant: Saigon’s local wet markets top 5 markets in saigon My favourite local markets in Ho C

Top 5 non-alcoholic drinks

Hình ảnh
Passing on the booze? We have some suggestions for soft drinks that will more than make up for it. While some of you choose to decline alcohol all year round, the notion of giving up the sauce for a stint is ever popular, and “Dry January” has truly manacled itself to our national psyche. It seems the lure of saving money, trimming the waist and skipping hangovers is a potent one.  It can be a challenge to inject soft drinks with the same amount of sparkle as their alcoholic equivalents, but we have some tips for ensuring teetotallers don’t miss out. Blood orange punch If you’re abstaining at the beginning of the year there is a whole host of seasonal citrus fruit available to turn into juice.  Grapefruit , pomelo and clementines are in season during the winter months, but we particularly like blood oranges. They have a very short season towards the end of winter, but make the most of their deep red flesh while you can.  Homemade cordial Making a batch of 

Passion Fruit 101 – What You Need to Know

Hình ảnh
Passion fruit is a nutritious tropical fruit. It’s gaining popularity, especially among those who are health conscious. Despite its small size, it’s a rich source of antioxidants and contains a range of vitamins and plant compounds that could benefit your health. This article is a detailed  review of passion fruit . What Is Passion Fruit? This tropical fruit is actually considered a type of berry, according to botanists. It is the fruit of the  Passiflora  vine, a type of passion flower. It has a tough outer rind and juicy, seed-filled center. There are several types, which can vary in size and color. The most commonly available are the purple and yellow varieties. These are: Passiflora edulis:  Small round or oval-shaped fruits with purple skin. Passiflora flavicarpa:  Usually slightly larger than the purple variety, these are round or oval-shaped with yellow skin. This is what passion fruit looks like: Although they are a  tropical fruit ,