Top 10 Vegetable Juices That You Can Make At Home
Every other person is on a juice fast or cleanse today. Juices are wonderful companions for detoxification and weight loss, but the key is to choose the right ones. Most of us love fruit juices, but vegetable juices are equally good – in terms of taste as well as benefits. Spinach, tomatoes, cucumber, cabbage, and broccoli – you can transform all these nutrient-packed vegetables into juices. Blend a single veggie or make a combo to suit your palate. Here are 10 of the best and healthy vegetable juices that you can prepare at home! Now, you might end up thinking as to what are the best vegetables for juicing. Given below are a few healthy vegetables whose juices can really give you a nutrition boost. Best and Healthy Vegetable Juices to Make at Home: 1. Tomato Juice: The pulpy, tangy flavour and the red or orange-red hue make tomato a treat for palate as well as eyes. Loaded with lycopene, tomatoes are overflowing with antioxidative properties. The antioxidants are good...